How to Get Rid of Musty Smell In Your House & Make Your Home Smell Good

The bedroom is your place to relax, a safe haven from the chaos of daily life. Unless, of course, it smells musty. Don’t worry, musty smells in the bedroom are fairly common, although they can mystify homeowners. When the house smells, it’s time to check out the tips in this article that share with you simple ways to get rid of the musty smell in your house!
Where You Rest Your Head
One place where funk is never appreciated is in the bedroom. The bed is the heart of this sacred den of relaxation and fun. But if you don’t change your sheets often enough, your nose pays the price.
Air out the sheets and comforter every day.
That’s right. Don’t make the bed right away.
Overnight, you sweat. You stink. Just face it, you’re human. Pull back the covers in the morning and let your bed air out while you shower and get ready for the day. Make the bed on your way out the door.
The average American changes bed linens once every 3 weeks. Gross. Kill the musty smell by washing and changing your sheets and covers at least once each week. And don’t forget to wash your pillows – they harbor oils, germs, and dust mites.
A clean house makes the home smelling fresh and inviting. Make sure yours is so luxurious you never want to leave it!
What’s Underfoot?
If you keep a neat bed, but you still notice lingering odors in your bedroom, look at your floors.
Say goodbye to carpet!
Carpeted floors are a big no-no in the bedroom. Sex, showers, and illness all carry odors that get trapped in carpet fibers. Stinky feet, muddy shoes, and spilled nighttime treats add to the stench. This is prime breeding ground for musty smells.
If removing the carpet isn’t an option, pour baking soda onto your carpet – lightly, of course – all over the room. Let it sit on the carpet for a few hours, or better yet, overnight. Vacuum in the morning. The baking soda will absorb smells.
If you can’t stand the idea of bare or hard floors in your bedroom, consider area rugs. Washed once per month, they walk the fine line between stinky carpet and serene, clean hardwood or tile. Enjoy warm floors, without the smell.
Look Behind You
Even a hardwood floor and clean sheets won’t solve all bedroom odors. One surprising source of lingering odor is the spot behind your pillows. If you don’t use a headboard, hair and skin oils build up on the wall, and can eventually cause the surface to shine or take on a greasy, gray look.
Clean it!
Clean the area behind your pillows – wall or headboard – 2-3x per week. Use warm soapy water and a soft microfiber damp cloth, or cleaning wipes with disinfectant to finish the job quickly and effectively.
As an alternative, you can use vinegar to clean. It does a great job eliminating musty smells no matter the source. If the vinegar scent is too strong, dilute it with water and keep it in a spray bottle for fast and easy cleaning.
The last source of musty odor we’ll mention is one that is easy to fix. Overnight, your body releases odors. Stinky breath, sweat, sex, and even flatulence. Not exactly an appetizing aroma.
Clear the air by making sure that your room is properly ventilated. If necessary, use an air purifier with a HEPA-type filter to help trap musty odors. If the weather cooperates, open your windows to let as much fresh air in as possible. Ideally, leave the windows open for at least 30 minutes.
Consider running ceiling fans throughout your home to keep air moving throughout the entire house. Run your ventilation fans in the bathrooms to help remove moisture after a shower, too. This helps prevent mold growth and musty smells.
Regularly check your HVAC filters to make sure they’re clean. If you can’t see the filter media, it’s time for a change. Dirty filters aren’t cleaning the air as it comes into your home.
WARNING: Do NOT Try to Mask the Odor
Using potpourri or other scented products to make your room smell nicer can actually do the opposite. Without proper & thorough cleaning and ventilation, your bedroom could develop a lavender-tinged musty smell. Like a locker room in summer.
Skip the fragrances, unless you do the cleaning first! If you want a natural air freshener to help, boil lemon peels with water. The lemony fragrance is sure to delight. You can also add orange or lime peels for some variety.
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